Hydrological tools

The group of Jan Seibert, UZH provides several hydrological tools, including HBV-light Model: A semi-distributed hydrologic model to simulate catchment runoff.

Further information on HBV

SuperflexPy is an open source Python framework for building conceptual hydrological models developed at Eawag at the Department Systems Analysis, Integrated Assessment and Modelling (SIAM).

The group of Jan Seibert, UZH provides several hydrological tools.

Hysteresis is a nonlinear loop-like behavior that is common in natural systems. This script allows rapid calculation of the hysteresis index and objective classification of the size and direction of the hysteretic loop. The conceptual development of the hysteresis index is based on normalization of the input data, calculation of certain integrals at fixed intervals of the independent variables and the differences between the integrals for the rising and falling legs. The only condition for correct application of the index is that the independent variable must increase from its initial value to the peak value. Care should be taken when only one or two measurements are available for the rising (or falling) leg, or when the index is applied to highly noisy data.

Various tools are available on the site of the University of Zurich, Department of Geography.

  • HBV Model
  • Hysteresis Index
  • Games on the topic of water conflicts
  • Whitebox GAT
  • Teaching materials
  • Encyclopedia Climate Change
  • Hydrological links

Various softwares are available on the Eawag site at the Department Systems Analysis, Integrated Assessment and Modelling (SIAM).

  • Santiago.jl: Sanitation System Alternative Generator
  • adaptMCMC: Adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain Sampler
  • SPUX
  • IRRM
  • SWAT
Letzte Ă„nderung: 13.01.2022